Induction motor has two main components – core and winding
are the key components to provide motion to any device in today’s
world. That is why wide variety of motors has been designed. There
are several different types of motors like induction motor, servo
motors, DC motors, synchronous motors, stepper motors, torque motors
and many more. Even in different categories, there are various types
of motors depending on its construction and ratings. Among all the
motor machines, induction motor has been widely used and thus it is
very essential in the market.
motor has two main components – core and winding. Core is the main
body which is totally depends on the material whereas winding becomes
more dependable on the motor coil winding machine. There are
special winding machines which have been designed with some special
features to wind motor coils as when any machine needs to wind motor
coils, it needs some special features into it.
are two basic types of motor winding machines available in the
market. One is mainly for the production and another one is for
repair workshop. Wind motor coils have the capability of multi
section winding possibility which is a main feature. Successive coils
of any motor coils have few turns in each coil. The successive coils
may be up to 16 coils with the single start and finishing terminals.
These coils may be wound in different shapes and sizes depending on
the design and rating of motor. Arbours are the key to defining the
winding capabilities of the machine.
main features of any motor winding machine is to have great
coil winding capabilities as well as good programmable facilities so
that it can perform in wide variety of motor rating.
any such programmable motor winding machine that we need to create
the motor stator coils, have so many essential features which are
given below:
- 0.05 turns accuracy
- 100% repeatability
- 16 coils per winding machine
- Avoid wire breaking as softly starts and stop
- Minimum set up time with 50 program memory
- Very high production
- Give equal resistance for every coil
- Independent of operator’s skill
- Easy to insert of coil in stator due to layer wound coils.
- Flexibility to use various formers on single mandrel
- Reduction in joints of coils.